Sunday, January 18, 2009

January 12, 2009

Kyle sent this e-mail to our mom:

well we havent been able to talk to mari for the past 2 weeks because the timeschanged for the meetings and she has to drive about an hour to get to church soshe hasnt been able to make it...but were going to suggest the 24th for her (ifits not too late) and hopefully shes ok with that! things are going good!transfers are coming up on the 28 so the night of the 25 ill know whats happening! i dont really have any stories right now haha but ill definitely let you knowwhen i get some! haha i love you mom! have a wonderful week!also! thank you so much for not letting us as children watch the filth that is on tv. because of that i never really watched much tv that everyone else seems to watch. it has always been cartoon network, history channel and disney channel, and if not those i wouldnt watch tv! so thank you for your stirctness in that because if you had let us i would have been de-sensitized and would have been sucked into it! so thank you!love you :Dkyle

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