Friday, September 26, 2008


On September 23, 2008 Kyle left his stay at the MTC and left for Honolulu. He attempted to call our mom, who forgot her we didn't really get to hear from him prior to his departure from Utah to Hawaii. We haven't heard from him personally, but we received an e-mail from his mission president and his wife. Here is the contents of their e-mail (they included photos):

Aloha LaBarre Family,
Elder LaBarre has arrived safely in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission, has done some street contacting in Honolulu, been assigned to his first area and companion and is off and running. He looks fabulous and we are excited to have him in our mission. We will take good care of him over the next 2 years--he will truly become one of our sons.
Attached are a couple of pictures taken shortly after he arrived.
Mahalo nui loa and much aloha,
President & Sister Peterson

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