Monday, October 6, 2008

October 6, 2008

This is exerpts from Kyle's e-mail today, mind you I didn't remove anything of relevance. I'm trying to get information out of him. If you want a question asked and answered, just put it as a comment to any of the entries and I will be sure the question is asked and answered! Also, we'd love to see who is following Kyle's leave comments!! Love to you all!

"The investigators that I've met are Tiffany and we just got 2 more on Saturday by referral, Christine and her daughter! She wanted a chinese Book of Mormon because she's a linguist for the army and wants to learn her chinese better! And learn a lil about our church and beliefs and her daughter is 11 and interested and familiar already with the church! So thats cool. Tiffany and Geoff Browne. Geoff is less active but we're working on him too! So that's good and Tiffany is pregnant and they have 2 others (younger than 8). Mililani is on Oahu and it's about as far from the ocean that you can get on the island! ha ha My companion is Tyson Kaiser and he's from Broomfield, Colorado! So that's cool!"

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