Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3, 2009

Kyle sent us another update...with photos!
haha well i actually gained 20 lbs before i had that bit of food poisoning, but after that i lost 10 lbs and ive managed to keep it off and actually lose 1 or 2 more! so im working my way back down to where i was when i started! and my whole plan to keep the weight off is to not eat as much lunch! (like eat a meal replacement bar and a v8 everyday) so i should be back to where i was in a transfer or 2 unless i go to a tongan ward... haha
concerning the baptism...it isnt gonna happen for the time being. he was all ready and then when he got to the interview he wouldnt go in and have it because he said he wasnt ready. and then he said that he tried to tell us that the day before but he really didnt. but thats ok because its his choice. and no where in my call does it say im to come to hawaii and baptize as many people as i can. i was called to preach and to invite. so as long as im magnifying my calling the Lord will bless me for it in some way or another!
but ill admit it felt like when you get dumped. so i wasnt too excited...but the Lord loves me and he wont forsake me so thats enough for me!
no i havent gotten my package yet but i think it should be here today! (everything on kauai is a day behind or something like that) so we get mail on mondays (but oahu doesnt because the office doesnt work on saturdays) but if you didnt send it usps then i wont get it until transfers because it will just be in the mission office!


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